Trains and Tanker Trucks Don’t Mix

Q: At the rail crossings at Slater Road and at Grandview Road, what is the requirement for trucks carrying hazardous materials? It makes sense that they stop at uncontrolled crossings, but why do they have to stop when there are crossing signals? Is it a company regulation? At the Grandview crossing they stop empty going west and stop full going east. Why don’t they pull to the side of the road? Is that a requirement? I’ve seen as many as eight cars behind these trucks at crossings.

A: Before I answer this question, let’s take a moment and recall the 2010 film, Unstoppable. (Not to be confused with the 2004 film named Unstoppable or the 2013 film named Unstoppable. Someone in Hollywood needs to be more inventive with titles.) In case you haven’t seen it, here’s a synopsis: An unmanned freight train barrels toward a city while our heroes race against the clock to prevent a catastrophe. In the process, anything on the train track gets annihilated. Continue reading “Trains and Tanker Trucks Don’t Mix”

Does Your Driving Record Ever Really Go Away?

Q: I was at fault for a traffic collision for “failure to yield leaving a parking lot or alley.” How long will this be on my driving record?

A: As data expert Jeff Rothenberg said, “Digital information lasts forever, or five years, whichever comes first.” The only way to have a perfectly clean driving record is to never get a ticket. However, the real concern, and what I suspect you’re getting at in the question, is “How long will a traffic infraction or a crash affect me?” Continue reading “Does Your Driving Record Ever Really Go Away?”

Getting On (And Off) The Freeway – With a Little Help

Q1: I drive I-5 daily, and I consistently see drivers enter I-5 at slower speeds that traffic is moving, causing a slow-down. I see the same with exiting drivers, who slow down to as little at 45 MPH before they even reach the off-ramp, causing another traffic backup. What are the rules for entering and exiting a freeway?

Q2: Who has the right-of-way when an on-ramp merges onto the freeway? The car on the on-ramp or the car already on the freeway?

A: Lately I’ve encountered a lot of questions about getting onto the freeway, and a few about getting off of it, and collectively these questions could be summed up with the two questions above. Sounds like it’s time for a refresher on how to get on and off the freeway, doesn’t it? We’ll walk (or drive) through the steps involved, and I’ll point out what the law requires as well as what a safe driver should consider. Continue reading “Getting On (And Off) The Freeway – With a Little Help”

Riding Side By Side and Other Motorcycle Rules

Q: Is it legal for two motorcycle police officers to ride side by side down a city street?

A: Yes, and that is not an exception granted only to police officers. In section 46.61.608 of the Revised Code of Washington it states that “Motorcycles shall not be operated more than two abreast in a single lane.” Officers or not, two motorcycles riding side by side is okay according to our state law. Continue reading “Riding Side By Side and Other Motorcycle Rules”

Photo Radar – When Will We Get It?

Q: When can I expect freeway flyers to get costly fines in the mail from traffic cameras recording speed and license plate numbers?

A: To put this question in context, it was asked after describing a series of high-risk speeding situations that the question-asker has encountered repeatedly on his daily commute. To put it in historical context, Bellingham has experienced some controversy over traffic camera enforcement that makes this question a bit of a volatile topic. But I’m answering it anyway. Continue reading “Photo Radar – When Will We Get It?”

School Zones – What Does “When Children Are Present” Really Mean?”

Q: I always wonder about what “when children are present” on school zone signs means. Does that mean just during school hours or any time you see children? Also does it apply during school hours during the summer vacation (and how are we to know the vacation times?)

A: I thought this would be easy to answer, but it turns out that reading the law about school zone speed limits confuses as much as it clarifies. There’s a good reason many school zones are getting updated with flashing beacons instead of the “when children are present” plaque. But let’s get back to the question.

Continue reading “School Zones – What Does “When Children Are Present” Really Mean?””

Getting High, Getting a DUI, Getting Help

Q: Now that we’ve had a few years of legalized marijuana, do we know what impact that has had on impaired driving?

A: Before I answer that, I’ll point out that understanding traffic data is complex and we can’t always draw accurate conclusions from one set of data. But let’s look at one set of data anyway, because it’s pretty compelling. This chart covers traffic fatalities involving marijuana impaired drivers from 2011 to 2016. That gives us three years prior to legalization and three years since legalization. Continue reading “Getting High, Getting a DUI, Getting Help”

The Trouble With Exit 250

Q: Who has the right of way when exiting northbound from I-5 at Old Fairhaven Parkway; the turning lane trying to get on the on-ramp or the vehicles at the stop sign up the road on the off-ramp?

A: Based on the emails I’ve received about this location, lots of people have opinions about who has the right of way, and they don’t all agree. These emails include stories of angry honking, excessive hand and finger gestures, near-crashes, and a general sense of confusion by people trying to do the right thing, but not knowing for sure what that is. Continue reading “The Trouble With Exit 250”

What Makes a Safe First Car?

Q: My daughter is about to get her driver’s license, and I want to get a vehicle that’ll keep her safe. What do you recommend?

A: Let’s start by agreeing that new drivers are some of the most dangerous people on the road. If we love our kids (of course we do), we want to put them in the safest vehicle possible for their first driving years. It turns out that it’s not easy to choose which car is the safest. Continue reading “What Makes a Safe First Car?”

The A-Pillar Problem

Q: I recently had a close call with a pedestrian. I looked both ways before pulling into the intersection, but he seemed to appear out of nowhere, right in front of my car. How is that possible?

A: Back when I went through driver’s ed . . .  I know this sounds like a setup for a story where I teach the next generation about life by telling them about walking to school up hill both ways barefoot in the snow, but its’ not; stay with me. Back when I went through driver’s ed we were taught about blind spots. We know blind spots are the areas just behind the driver, on either side of the car, where a car, bike or pedestrian could be invisible due to a poorly adjusted mirror and a failure of a driver to turn and look. Continue reading “The A-Pillar Problem”