Navigating Backed Up Off-Ramps

Q: Traffic on the freeway has increased over the years and now exiting traffic sometimes comes to a stop in the traffic lanes of the freeway. It’s really scary to have to come to a stop and see traffic piling up behind me. I almost feel like staying in the left lane and taking the next exit. What are your suggestions when encountering this situation?

A: One of the drawbacks of living in a place where lots of people want to be is that we end up with lots of people. Long-time Washington residents can remember when rush hour was really only an hour and you almost had to leave the state to find a legitimate traffic jam. But we couldn’t keep it to ourselves and now the infrastructure can’t maintain pace with the popularity of Washington.

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The Myth of the Dangerous Deaf Driver

Q: There is a commercial on TV featuring a deaf driver. Are deaf people allowed to drive, or are they restricted because of their hearing loss?

A: Perhaps you saw the car commercial featuring Kris Martin, a six-time National Kart Champion, NASCAR, and Le Mans professional race car driver who is deaf. If so, I hope you found him as inspirational as I did. But being an inspiration isn’t one of the qualifications for a driver license. That’s okay for Kris though, and for many other deaf people, because being deaf isn’t a disqualifier.

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What About (Not So) Slow-Moving Vehicles?

Q: I’ve always wondered about the five-car rule when you are driving the speed limit. I pull over as I don’t like being in front of aggressive drivers, but is that illegal too, when you aren’t technically a slow-moving vehicle?

A: Sometimes a question, instead of prompting an answer, generates more questions. It’s like asking, “What is the meaning of life? Are we alone in the universe? Is bowling a game or a sport?”

Before we get to more questions or answers, let’s do a quick review of the “five-car rule.” The law says that on a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe, a slow-moving vehicle shall turn off the roadway at a safe location if there are five or more vehicle in a line behind them. The law then defines a slow-moving vehicle as one traveling at a speed slower than “the normal flow of traffic at the particular time and place.”

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Listen to Your Pharmacist – Medications and DUI

Q: I just had surgery and I was prescribed some pain killers that say, “Do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery.” I’m sure that’s good advice, but is there any law that I’m breaking if I drive after taking my medication?

A: Who do you visualize when I say, “Impaired driver?” If you let your brain respond without a filter, you’re probably imagining a person staggering out of a bar, fumbling with their keys, slurring their words, and all that goes along with too much alcohol. It’s the image we’ve been shown in movies and impaired driving public service announcements, so it’s hard not to default to that.

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