Distracted Driving at Work

Q: With all the attention on distracted driving lately, it got me thinking of an employee cell phone policy where I work. I like the idea, but where do I start?

A: I know we just addressed cell phones and driving a couple weeks ago, but employer/employee responsibility is a side of distracted driving that doesn’t get much attention. Plus, April is distracted driving awareness month so I feel justified in doubling down on this topic. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, you’ll benefit from a good distracted driving policy. For those who have not yet thought about distracted driving at work, here are a few reasons why this is so important. Continue reading “Distracted Driving at Work”

Race Track – a Distracted Driving PSA

Distracted driving emphasis patrols are happening all over Washington right now, so this seems like a good time to release the latest traffic safety PSA from TheWiseDrive. See how a rivalry between racecar drivers turns to tactics of technology and distraction to keep the title of World’s Fastest Racecar Driver.


Evolved Enough to Drive

Q: It seems like some days there are more people texting or talking on their phones while driving than there are paying attention. Is it really so hard to just leave the phone alone and drive?

A: Yes, it seems that it is. Here’s why: Cavemen. In more primitive times, a human’s ability to survive depended on reacting quickly. Every unidentified sound could be a threat or an opportunity. The rustle in the bushes could be a tiger about to pounce or an antelope that could feed a hungry family. Either way, to survive you had to act fast. Our ancestors heavily relied on the part of the brain that reacts without cognitive processing. Continue reading “Evolved Enough to Drive”

Cycling and Texting – Legal, but Foolish

Q: I see bike riders, in traffic, riding with their cell phones up to their ear. Shouldn’t they have to follow the same no-cell-phone laws that vehicle drivers do?

A: “Should they” and “Are they required by law” are two different questions. Despite some drivers refusing to admit it, we have data to show that using a cell phone while driving increases the likelihood of a crash. Talking on a phone has similar crash rates to drivers with a .08 blood alcohol level. Texting while driving has crash rates more like a driver with a .20 blood alcohol level. Continue reading “Cycling and Texting – Legal, but Foolish”

Pedestrians and Christmas Lights

Q: Recently, I was walking on the sidewalk at night to a grocery store and I crossed the crosswalk at the entrance to the store. As I was walking, a car tried to pull in, and then noticed me, which left her stuck in traffic. She then proceeded to say, “Maybe you should wear bright clothes”. I had a near white jacket on, so I don’t know how much brighter I could of been, unless I wore some Christmas lights around my neck.

My question: Is it required by law to wear bright clothing while walking legally on the sidewalk at night? Isn’t this the responsibility of the driver to look for pedestrians at crosswalks, no matter if it is day or night? Continue reading “Pedestrians and Christmas Lights”

A Distracted Driving PSA With No Cars and No Phones – And It’s Incredible

The first time I watched this PSA, I was a guest in a classroom of high school students. Part way through the video, I could feel the tone of the entire classroom shift. You’ll feel it too. By the end there were students in the class responding  a lot like the students in the video. Powerful. And real.

AT&T has created many excellent distracted driving PSAs through their It Can Wait campaign. I think this is one of their best.

Hello – I’d Try This

Last week’s distracted driving PSA ended tragically. This one; not so much. A friend in traffic safety passed it along (thanks Shelly) and I loved it, so here’s “Hello”. This PSA comes from New Zealand, but the message is universal. And funny.

Give it a view, and then ask yourself, “Would I try this?”