Can I Get a DUI On My Bike?

Q: With the upsurge of breweries in town I have seen more clearly intoxicated bike riders leaving local breweries. Is there a rule about riding your bike while intoxicated?

A: This is a great example of, “Dumb is not the same as illegal.” In Washington, it is not a crime to ride a bike while drunk. The Revised Code of Washington specifically addresses this issue, making it clear that the role of law enforcement is limited, in most instances, to offering assistance to the impaired cyclist. Some states make it a crime to cycle impaired, but not us. In ascending order of intrusiveness, I’ll list the options available to an officer who encounters a drunk cyclist. Continue reading “Can I Get a DUI On My Bike?”

Impaired Driving: Alcohol vs. Drugs

Recently I was asked if the legalization of marijuana was having an impact on impaired driving. I knew anecdotally, from conversations I’ve had with the law enforcement community, that officers were encountering more drivers impaired by marijuana, and I knew that over the last few years we’ve had a trend of less alcohol impaired drivers and more drug impaired drivers, but I hadn’t taken a close look at the data. Continue reading “Impaired Driving: Alcohol vs. Drugs”